The author of Ecclesiastes easily could have been a New Yorker. He's brash and bold, and he tells it like it is. Refusing to be trite or superficial, he expresses his searching questions about the world with brutal honesty. Rather than denying the baffling realities of life, he recognizes the inexplicable conundrums of the human condition and the seeming pointlessness of it all. And yet, though he seems to draw near to the brink of despair, he writes as a person of faith who continues to trust God even in the face of unanswered questions — and he encourages us to do the same! Some people may question why the book of Ecclesiastes is included in the Bible, but this may be the most important book for believers and skeptics alike who wrestle with the deep questions. Join us Sundays this winter at our 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. worship services as we consider Ecclesiastes: The Enigma of Life Under the Sun.
Despite our background or familiarity with the Bible, we all have questions about the Christian faith. It has become increasingly more difficult to separate authentic Christianity from its counterfeits and to know where to turn to make sense of how Jesus' message applies to our own lives and to the issues of our day. Christianity is oftentimes twisted and distorted by people with their own agenda, which makes it all the more difficult to figure out who Jesus really is and what he's all about. But what if the true message of Christianity is quite different than what we had always thought? Let's reconsider Jesus, together. Send us your questions at seniorpastor@centralchurchnyc.org.