Inspiring worship. Engaging teaching. Life-changing community. Purposeful mission.
Welcome to Central Presbyterian Church of New York City. We’re glad you found us!
Central is a welcoming community of people from every age and stage of life. No matter what your background, beliefs, or life situation, we would like nothing more than for you to join us.
This means that Central is a great place for believers and skeptics alike. If you have never entered a church, or if it has been a long time since you attended a worship service, Central may be just right for you. Come as you are and expect to be warmly received regardless of your questions, struggles, or doubts.
Feel free to explore our site to learn more about who we are and how you can get involved. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with your questions as we would be thrilled to help you find your place within our community.
In Christ,
The gospel must begin with us. Before sharing the gospel with others, we must first recognize our own desperate need for the continual personal transformation that Jesus brings to each and every one of us who receives its message. Those who do not yet know Christ must hear and receive the gospel in order to enter into a life-giving relationship with God. But even those of us who already identify ourselves as Christians must continually rediscover and apply the gospel to our lives. The engine that drives our ongoing Christian formation is not greater discipline or a program of discipleship, but the gospel. The gospel is the power of God not only for our salvation (Romans 1.16) but also for our continued growth (Colossians 1.5-6). +
The church is called to be “salt” and “light” by preserving that which is good, true and beautiful from corruption and decay and by illuminating places of darkness and despair. As a result, the church should neither withdraw from the dominant culture out of pride, nor assimilate to it out of cowardice, nor attack it out of defensiveness. Rather the church is called to faithfully engage the dominant culture in humility, courage, and love. This means that we must remain true to our Christian convictions while seeking to expend ourselves for the sake of the world. +
Central places a high priority on the relationships we enjoy with one another, and this is not without reason. Jesus not only calls us to follow him as individuals, but also gathers us into a community in which we learn to live out the implications of the gospel together. Authentic community, therefore, is vital to the Christian life. Amidst the frenzied pace and dizzying transience of New York City, Central provides a unique environment to forge meaningful relationships with others despite our many differences. Moreover, the depth of relationships we enjoy provides us with opportunities to sacrificially love and serve one another and to tend to the specific needs of our neighborhood with greater attentiveness and intentionality. +
The root of the word mission means “to send,” and we believe that God draws us into relationship with himself in order to send us out to engage the world. Jesus instructed his disciples that he would send his followers into the world as witnesses, ambassadors and agents of the loving and dynamic reign of God. The church is God’s primary instrument of mission in the world. We, therefore, understand ourselves to be people who have been sent into the city to pursue the common good and contribute to the flourishing of New York City by proclaiming the gospel through our words and actions. +
SermonsCentral is committed to building a strong community of faith in Jesus Christ that enables people from diverse backgrounds to experience the transformative power of the gospel through insightful biblical teaching, expressive worship, authentic prayer, and meaningful relationships. At the same time, we aim to provide a setting in which people who are undecided about their religious commitments may freely investigate the claims of Christianity. Together, we strive to serve the people of New York in humility and love so that we might have a positive impact on the world around us.
Find Out MoreAt Central Presbyterian Church, the gospel propels us in every direction—up, in, deep, and out—to be a part of Jesus’ mission to make all things new.