We are currently in a series exploring how "the professor" of Ecclesiastes describes his quest to figure out if there is any meaning, significance, or purpose to our lives amidst the baffling enigmas of human existence. Last week we considered his search for meaning through the pursuit of achievement, and this week we turn to the pursuit of justice. This Sunday, join us at 10 or 11:30 a.m. as we continue our winter series with a sermon titled "The Question of Justice."
When we turn to the question of universal moral obligations of goodness, does atheism hold up? Without a belief in God, is there a ceiling to how far goodness can reach? Check out the most recent video in our Jesus Reconsidered series, and email us your questions at seniorpastor@centralchurchnyc.org!
"I hope you will join me this fall as we seek to cultivate a spirit of gratitude so that we might find our deepest joy and satisfaction in the One who freely bestows every good and perfect gift." Read Senior Pastor Jason Harris' latest quarterly newsletter to the Central community.
Join Central congregants, lay leaders, officers, and staff for a Leadership Gathering on February 8 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Together we will have topical discussions as we get a taste of what it's like to attend a Resound Project Leadership Gathering.
Recently discovered Central? Please join us for a welcome reception on Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m. at the UES home of Wilma Jordan. This is an opportunity for you to meet Central's staff, elders, trustees, deacons, and each other in a casual atmosphere. We hope to see you there!
Women, come join us on Thursday, February 20 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Central's sixth floor for an evening dedicated to cultivating gospel-centered friendships! This is a beautiful opportunity for the women of Central to gather, worship, and pray together.
Central is committed to building a strong community of faith in Jesus Christ that enables people from diverse backgrounds to experience the transformative power of the gospel through insightful biblical teaching, expressive worship, authentic prayer, and meaningful relationships. At the same time, we aim to provide a setting in which people who are undecided about their religious commitments may freely investigate the claims of Christianity. Together, we strive to serve the people of New York in humility and love so that we might have a positive impact on the world around us.
Find Out More
Whether you are actively committed to the Christian faith, just beginning to explore the claims of Christianity, or anywhere on the spectrum, we'd be delighted to welcome you to Central!