Central is a welcoming community of people from every age and stage of life. No matter what your background, beliefs, or life situation, we would like nothing more than for you to join us. Whether you are actively committed to the Christian faith, just beginning to explore the claims of Christianity, or anywhere on the spectrum, we'd be delighted to welcome you to Central!
Many people at Central have been committed Christians for several years while others may have recently begun exploring the Christian faith. Central is a great place for believers and skeptics alike and may be just right for you. Come as you are and expect to be warmly received regardless of your questions, struggles, or doubts.
The word “gospel” (literally “good news”) was a technical term in the ancient world that signified news of life-changing significance. The gospel of Christianity, therefore, is not a program of religious instruction or moral development, but an announcement of what God has done for us by his grace. The gospel proclaims that God has come down to us despite our sin in the person of Jesus Christ to restore us in relationship to himself and to renew the whole world through the perfect, sinless life, the substitutionary, atoning death, and the powerful, bodily resurrection of Jesus. The gospel changes everything and therefore forms the center of all we are and all that we do as a church.
Central’s vision is to be a church that experiences the transformative power of the gospel and responds in reliance upon the Holy Spirit by following Jesus Christ in his mission to make all things new at Central, in New York City, and throughout the world. We achieve this through:
The gospel begins with us. Before sharing the gospel with others, we must first recognize our own desperate need for the continual personal transformation Jesus brings to anyone who receives its message. Those who do not yet know Christ must hear and receive the gospel before entering into a life-giving relationship with God, but even those of us who already identify ourselves as Christians must continually rediscover and apply the gospel to our lives.
Authentic community is vital to the Christian life. Jesus not only calls us to follow him as individuals, but also gathers us into a community in which we learn to live out the implications of the gospel together. Amidst the frenzied pace and dizzying transience of New York City, Central provides a unique environment to forge meaningful relationships with others despite our many differences.
The church is called to be “salt” and “light” by preserving that which is good, true and beautiful from corruption and decay and by illuminating places of darkness and despair. As a result, the church should neither withdraw from the dominant culture out of pride, nor assimilate to it out of cowardice, nor attack it out of defensiveness. Rather, the church is called to faithfully engage the dominant culture in humility, courage, and love. We must remain true to our Christian convictions while seeking to expend ourselves for the sake of the world.
We believe God draws us into a relationship with himself to send us out to engage the world. Jesus instructed his disciples that he would send his followers into the world and the church is God’s primary instrument of mission in the world. We are people who have been sent into the city to pursue the common good and contribute to the flourishing of New York City by proclaiming the gospel through our words and actions.
Central is a part of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) body.
Central aims to provide a setting in which people who are undecided about their religious commitments may freely investigate the claims of Christianity. Our pastors and staff are available to meet with you and answer any questions.
Central places a high priority on the relationships we enjoy with one another so we provide a variety of avenues to cultivate community within our church. Our community is bound together by a commitment to the gospel of grace, and so we believe the church is not meant to be a museum of saints, but a hospital for sinners. You should therefore anticipate meeting people from all walks of life who are struggling together to understand and live out the story of Christianity. Our team of ushers and greeters are available during each service to meet with you and introduce you to other members of our church.
To foster meaningful conversations and relationships, each Sunday Central provides meals following each of the two services. We hope you will join us for this special time of fellowship. We also offer opportunities outside of Sunday Worship such as Community Groups, Volunteer opportunities, Bible studies and one-off events where you can meet people.
At Central, we strive to foster a strong Christian community and offer opportunities for people to build relationships and grow in Christ with others. We offer a variety of Community Groups throughout the city, which provide people with different backgrounds and perspectives to build relationships, study the Scriptures, pray with and for one another, as well as volunteer opportunities with various organizations including The Bowery Mission, Safe Families for Children, and more!
If you need prayer, our pastors, staff, and deacons are available to pray for you before and after the service as well as during the week. You can also submit a prayer request at centralchurchnyc.org/prayerrequest
One of the many ways that we see God at work in our community is caring for one another as Christ has cared for us. Central seeks to do that by providing short-term financial assistance to members of our community to help cover expenses like housing, health care, counseling, and other expenses that arise for those going through a difficult time.
If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please visit centralchurchnyc.org/practicalcare to fill out the form. If you would like more information about receiving pastoral care, please reach out to Pastor Chris Hildebrand for further assistance.
At Central, we have women’s and men’s Bible studies. The Women's Ministry offers two weekly Bible studies on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with childcare provided for the Thursday Bible studies. The Men's Ministry also hosts a weekly breakfast where they meet every Tuesday at 7:45am
Are you interested in learning more about Central? Join us for our upcoming combined Discovery and Foundations class which serves as an orientation to our church and provides you with information about our mission and vision, core values, history, philosophy of ministry, and volunteer opportunities. Attending this class is also the first step toward becoming a member of the church.
To register for an upcoming Discovery/Foundations class, visit centralchurchnyc.org/discoveryfoundations. Questions? Email Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastor Kathryn Thompson at kthompson@centralchurchnyc.
We're delighted in your interest of being a member at Central. The pathway to membership is as follows:
Step 1: Attend our combined Discovery and Foundations class.
Step 2: After you have attened our class, you will fill out a membership application form, which will be provided at the end of the Foundations class.
Step 3: Meet with our church officers for an interview.
Step 4: Once membership is confirmed, you will make your membership vows to the congregation.
If you have any further questions, reach out to kthompson@centralchurchnyc.org.