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Romans - Always Being Reformed: Who Can We Trust?
October 29, 2017
Reverend Jason Harris
View Sermon Transcript
Discussion Questions
- What do people today consider to be the most important sources of authority for how we understand the world in which we live?
- What is the difference between a principle of "scripture alone" and "scripture only"? Why must Scripture take precedence over human tradition, reason, and experience?
- What does Romans 10.17 reveal about the importance of the communication of the word of Christ? How does this inform the way we should approach the Bible?
- Read Isaiah 55.8-11. Why could Luther say that all he did during the Reformation was sit still and drink beer while the word did all the work?
- Read 1 Peter 1.22-2.3. What are practical ways that we can encourage one another towards spiritual growth through God's word? What role does it play in our daily life?
- What do people today consider to be the most important sources of authority for how we understand the world in which we live?