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Romans - Always Being Reformed: How Can We Be Right with God?
October 1, 2017
Reverend Jason Harris
View Sermon Transcript
Discussion Questions
- How would you describe Martin Luther's "breakthrough" regarding Romans 1.17? Why was this such an important insight and, in his mind, "the central hinge upon which the whole gospel turns"?
- "The righteousness of God" is a rich biblical concept. How is it helpful to understand it as 1) a divine attribute that God possesses, 2) a divine action that God performs, and 3) a divine gift that God bestows?
- How does Luther's analogy of a bride and groom help explain "the great exchange" that Paul describes in 2 Corinthians 5.21? In what ways is justification far greater than mere forgiveness?
- How does justification change the way you relate to God, to others, and even to yourself? How might my life be different if I fully believed this? Why do we need to keep hearing this again and again?