Central is currently accepting nominations for the roles of elder, deacon, and trustee. Interested in learning more? Attend a Nomination Process Information Session this Wednesday, January 15, at 5:30 p.m. You can log on here at that time.


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    Discussion Questions

    1. In what sense can Paul say that "no one seeks for God" in Romans 3.11? People clearly seek spiritual blessings and solutions so what kind of seeking must Paul have in mind?
    2. How does the line in the old hymn explain God's prior work of grace in the life of anyone who truly seeks him? How have you experienced this in your own life?
    3. How would you address the objections that divine grace undercuts our individual decisions to put our faith and trust in Christ, or that divine grace undercuts our motivation to share the gospel with others?
    4. If what ultimately determines whether you are in right relationship with God is your ability to choose him then your salvation is not entirely by grace. In the final analysis, the critical determining factor becomes what you do — not what God has done. How does such thinking distort the gospel and feed our pride?
    5. Understanding our complete inability to earn a right relationship with God apart from Christ should make us deeply humble and loving towards others. Have you found this to be true in your own life?