Central is currently accepting nominations for the roles of elder, deacon, and trustee. Interested in learning more? Attend a Nomination Process Information Session this Wednesday, January 15, at 5:30 p.m. You can log on here at that time.


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    Discussion Questions

    1. How do people use the word "sin" in contemporary language and how does that compare with its original usage?
    2. How did Luther come to the realization that there is something more radically wrong with human beings than merely a list of offenses?
    3. How does Paul describe the human condition in verses 9-12? What does it mean to be "righteous" in an ultimate sense?
    4. How does Paul describe the pervasive effect of sin on human nature in verses 11-18?
    5. Christianity offers both a very high and a very low view of humanity at one and the same time? How should we maintain the right balance?
    6. Paul's main point is to emphasize humanity's total inability to rectify our relationship with God. Why is it important to emphasize that God "must save, and [God] alone"? What would be the alternative? What practical difference does this make in our life and faith?