What kind of balance must we strike in order to uphold the statement: "The church is reformed and always being reformed according to the Word of God."
How would your non-believing friends and colleagues perceive the Christian church today? Is the perception largely positive or negative? To what extent is the perception accurate?
Candidly speaking, in what ways could your own expression of Christianity (if you are a believer) be characterized as shallow, simplistic, self-centered, subjective, or self-indulgent?
Let's assume the gospel could be put into three words: "Jesus rescues sinners." Why is this gospel message potentially embarrassing, offensive or a source of shame to you? Why isn't Paul ashamed of the gospel?
Why does Paul describe the gospel as the very "power of God" and not merely a description of God's power? In what ways have you experienced this power?
In what ways does the gospel offer more than merely forgiveness? How does this transform your view of God or how you relate to him?