Dear Central Family,
I grew up in India in a Hindu Brahmin family and started following Christ after moving to America.
As someone whose faith is not intergenerational, I appreciate that Central is a place where my hard questions are welcomed and addressed. The sermons transcend boundaries, engaging complex concepts thoughtfully and with empathy. Eloquence, evangelism, passion, and intellect are tied together in such a seamless way that a layer of authenticity has been built into the very community of Central. Right when you walk into the doors of the church, there is authenticity. You meet anybody who serves at the church, there is authenticity. From the folks who help with our son Nathan on Sundays, to the leadership of the church, there is a brand of authenticity that is unique to Central that I have not experienced anywhere else. This has been most impactful for me. In the past, I’ve often felt that I had to check some boxes in terms of saying the right things, or using Christian buzzwords. But the authenticity and vulnerability that I have found at Central has been a safe haven for me. And the messages create a sense of conviction that this is the journey I want to pursue—that following Jesus really is worth it.
The very fabric of New York is all about yourself and what drives the self, so to live any other way is challenging. New York is one of the most populated cities in the world, and yet somehow, Central has made it feel small. Central has created an atmosphere where I feel welcomed and safe. And it has allowed me to have that sense of accountability that I need in this journey of faith. Whether it’s the Bible studies, Community Groups, Sunday worship, or Moms and Tots for our son, the constant touch points throughout the week keep Danica and me grounded in God’s truths and supported by fellow Christians.
Another impactful facet of the church is the diversity of people. When I say diversity, it's not just the color of skin, but the different walks of life, backgrounds, and ages. My mother-in-law, who also attends the church, is in her 60s. I'm in my 30s. There are folks in their 20s. There are teenagers. And remarkably, this diverse group of people all get along and appeal to the same gospel message. This has been truly amazing for me to witness. The growth I’ve experienced as a part of this diverse community of believers has been one of the most rewarding pursuits out of all my experiences with the Christian faith.
Danica and I both work fully remote jobs—we could live anywhere we want. But we choose to live here, close to Central, because the church has had such a massive impact on our lives and on our family as a whole.
From the heart,
Rohit grew up in Calcutta, India and made his second home in Texas as a Longhorn (hook ‘em) where he met his wife, Danica. Both academic and professional pursuits have taken them to Chicago, San Francisco, and now New York. Rohit currently works in software private equity as an operator for Alpine Investors. He is a travel-enthusiast, fried rice connoisseur, and despite many attempts, below-average skier. On the weekends you can find him on adventures with his wife and son, Nathaniel.